1/100 Sandrock Gundam EW Ver. Weathered. Modeled by Rogi [Philippines]. Full Photoreview Wallpaper Size Images, Info

DSC_19421/100 Sandrock Gundam EW Ver. Weathered.

Modeled by Rogi [Philippines].

Full Photoreview Wallpaper Size Images, Info

DSC_1929 DSC_1930 DSC_1932 DSC_1933 DSC_1934 DSC_1935 DSC_1936 DSC_1937 DSC_1938 DSC_1939 DSC_1940 DSC_1941 DSC_1942 DSC_1943 DSC_1944 DSC_1945 DSC_1946 DSC_1947From the Modeler:

Hi Gunjap!

I’m Roginald Samala from the Philippines and I’d like to share some of my work to you.
I’m new to customizing gunpla but has been collecting gundam kits since I was young.
Sadly most of them got lost and got broken because I was playing with them.

Now I’ve started taking it to the next level and paint my own kits and do weathering techniques.
I still have a lot to learn but I guess my work came out as I have in mind.

Attached are photos of my customized and weathered sandrock 1/100 EW version.
I hope you like them and I’ll send more of my other customized kits (Mostly wing EW MG)  if you want.

Thanks and more power to your site!

YESSSS send other works 😉 Gunjap
thanks 🙂