MG Jesta Cannon Captain Ver.

Captain use custom for MG Jesta Cannon: images, info

From the Modeler:

Jesta is a supporting player on a daily basis, but I thought it would be okay to have a famous captain machine like Zeon, so I made the Jesta Cannon Captain Machine. I aimed for a cooler Ms than the Shezarr Corps A / B / C team.
Back shot 1
Back shot 2
This time I also stuck to the pedestal.
I tried to use the same coloring, but as you pointed out, it looks like a Millennium Falcon

Until this time, I was planning to paint it in normal dark blue.
After all I changed it because I wanted to make it a special MS.
Originally it is a clear color purchased as a base.
It’s cool enough even if it’s not Cannon version.

Work by: こうちゃん