Latest Work by Ifaaa: SD Custom Nightingale Candy Cobalt Blue. Photoreview Big Size Images, Info & Links to YouTube Videos

foroIMG_1409Latest Work by Ifaaa:

SD Custom Nightingale Candy Cobalt Blue.

Photoreview Big Size Images, Info & Links to YouTube Videos

foroIMG_1446 foroIMG_1413 foroIMG_1422 foroIMG_1424 foroIMG_1428 foroIMG_1431 foroIMG_1441From the Modeler:

Hello I´m Ivan Calomarde aka Ifaaa, Today I present my last job, my custom Nightingale Candy Cobalt blue, painted with Alclad candy color. Hope you like it.

I attach a few photos with a slideshow and two video tutorials. I hope you are entertained ^^




Slideshow (youtube)
