Alien Xenomorph COSPLAY: Brooklyn RobotWorks. Official Wallpaper Size Images & Full English Info from the Manufacturer.

baP2Alien Xenomorph COSPLAY: Brooklyn RobotWorks.

Official Wallpaper Size Images & Full English Info from the Manufacturer.

baP1 baP3 baP4From the Manufacturer:

For your Cosplay / Photos Section:


I’m an artist who builds complex exoskeletal costumes of robots,  and you folks have featured my artwork before.

I’ve built an Alien Xenomorph I call “Brooklyn Alien”,  and I have ATTACHED images,  if you are interested.
Many more images can be found at his dedicated website

He’s built from ordinary and readily-available items,  nothing special,  including knife sharpeners,  toilet plungers,  drain mats and conduit tubing.

Unlike my robots that are mechanical and angular,  this guy is biological so he’s soft shapes and curves…it took me 16 months to acquire all his parts,  and over 400 hours to build him.

He weighs over 120 lbs.
He’s a blast to perform in.

Everyone recognizes the creature,  and reactions range from screams to hugs.

Thanks for everything,  and continued success Gunjap!

Peter Kokis
Brooklyn RobotWorks
You won’t believe your eyes!
office  718 382-8531
mobile  718 219-1249