METAL ROBOT魂 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex: No.18 New Images

full weapons in action of Barbatos Lupus RexMETAL ROBOT魂『鉄血のオルフェンズ』シリーズ始動!

Release date: May 2020 – Price: 14,300 Yen


Ultra Large Mace

Developed for Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex by Teiwaz’s MS workshop, besides fitting Mikazuki’s combat style, this heavy weapon also takes into view combat against battleships.

The telescopic handle helps to close the gap with enemy unit.

When not in use, it can be mounted on the rear waist horizontally.

Pile Bunker

The tip of the mace and the bottom of its handle are equipped with a pile bunker each.

Tail Blade

The Hashmal’s tail parts were transplanted onto Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex’s back, and combined with a blade made of rare metal for better close combat performance.

The resulting tail blade can retract or extend to strike opponents as directed by Mikazuki through the Alaya-Vijnana System, and is useful for one against many or other unfavorable combat situations.

Rex Nail

Due to the rex nails mounted on the fingers, the arms of the Barbatos Lupus Rex can function as powerful weapons that can pierce opponent machines.

Like the Tail Blade, the rex nails and the suit’s toes are made of rare metal.

200mm Gun

Each forearm contains a built-in 200mm gun.

This weapon is a further development of the Barbatos Lupus’ firearms.

Heel Bunker

Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex is equipped with pile bunkers on both heels.

GR-H01 9.8m Battle Axe

A close combat weapon used by Graze that the Barbatos Lupus Rex obtained temporarily during its last battle.

Anti-Ship Lance Mace

A lance-shaped mace designed for anti-ship combat, it has a telescopic handle.

Special Equipment & Features


A sub-arm is stored within each forearm.

When deployed, the black part on the back of the forearm will flip open, and the sub-arm will unfold into its full length.

rear view of the Barbatos Lupus Rex rear view with weapon Barbatos Lupus Rex accessories and display stand for the Barbatos Lupus Rex closeup arm Barbatos Lupus Rex weapon closeup of the Barbatos Lupus Rex

METAL ROBOT魂史上最高のダイキャスト比率で再現されるガンダムバルバトスルプスレクス。
ガンダムバルバトスシリーズのデザインを担当した鷲尾直広氏の徹底監修のもと、「METAL BUILDエヴァンゲリオン」シリーズなどの設計を手掛ける坂埜竜氏により生み出されるアニメそのままのプロポーション。

