COSPA Gundam Face and Zaku mono Eye rings will be released in early August! Images, eng info

In the character apparel and goods brand “Cospa,” it was decided that “Gundam Face Ring” and “Zaku mono Eye Ring” will be released in early August.

Introducing an alloy ring in which the face of “Gundam” and the mono eye of “Zaku” are dropped as a casual design.

Available in S, M, and L sizes, it is an accessory that you can enjoy at one point, so be sure to get it.

Gundam face ring

Price: 2,310 yen (tax included)

Release date: scheduled for early August 2020

Size: S / M / L

Material: Zinc alloy

Zaku mono Eye Ring

Price: 2,310 yen (tax included)

Release date: scheduled for early August 2020

Size: S / M / L

Material: Zinc alloy