pbqjh776’s Amazing MG Guntank custom Diorama: “Smooky” images, info

The kit used is Bandai’s MG 1/100 Guntank
I feel that it is attractive because….

The kit used is Bandai’s MG 1/100 Guntank

I feel that it is attractive because the drama changes with each viewer’s way of looking at the diorama, so it may be better to explain it or not, but I will write the settings I drew during production

I wondered if I caught a federal army tank and customized the upper half of the body with Zeon’s own design

The design of the upper half of the body was dragged because I had an image of something like an assault type gun tank in my head.

I made a box with plastic boards and assembled it while combining it with other parts.

The lower half of the body used putty to give the impression that it was poorly repaired.

Head body

I made the head-like thing with other parts and changed the mono eye to LED.

I formed it with a plastic board and mixed other parts.

The power pipe used spring & lead.

I attached an antenna to the rear.

I attached a smoke discharger to the right.

I installed a fuel tank.

Plastic material has been added to the part that seems to be in place.

I made a shoulder armor with putty for the left shoulder.

The elbow joint was putty to make it look like sealing.

The balkan part of the left arm is extended and a hole is made in the barrel etc.

Assuming that the right arm is a missing part, the upper arm is replaced with another part and repaired, it is a flamethrower setting.

The power pipe used spring & lead.

It was repaired by combining other parts and putty on the front and upper part.

I attached a rocket launcher on the left.

The power pipe used spring & lead.

I attached a fixed anchor for bombardment at the rear

Seen on modelers-g jp