Amazing MG 1/100 MS-18E Kampfer Repaired

MG Kampfer Repaired: stunning work! Images, info

PS more images in my previous related post HEREHERE

From the Modeler:

MG 1/100 MS-18E Kampfer Repaired
This time, I decided to make it once, bought it, and finally Kampfer, who hadn’t made it for a long time.
I started making it by ignoring the settings and trying to make it as I like.
As a result, I tried to pack a lot of original elements, such as eliminating the many vernier and installing armor around the waist. I painted it with a combination of light green, which I like, and new German gray and RLM23 red.
It was exhibited at the Yahoo auction.
MG 1/100 MS-18E ケンプファーリペアード

Work by ヨッシー
aka baby1973 on modelers-g jp