でぃぐ’s HG 1/144 Gundam Aerial

でぃぐ’s HG 1/144 Gundam Aerial (the Witch from Mercury) images, info and credits

It is a complete painting work of HG Gundam Aerial.
Anyway, the first episode was wonderful, so I tried to make it with full paint to output that impression as it is.

Gambit form is activated. Since she is a witch of Mercury, I created an effect with a magical image of water attribute.

I put clear resin in the eyes and shoulder line to give it an expression.

Hirate is processed from 30MM.

I’m excited to see how powerful this wide sword is, even though it’s a deadly power with the instruction manual pose bit.

I think that it is a name kit that really determines the pose.

paint is:

Azer blue + purple base ▶ white + thin blue base grade with a little base color

Purple violet base ▶ EXAM blue 1 + purple violet gradient

Yellow is pink suff ▶ pearl vivid orange + star bright brass

Metallic joints are star bright iron

The finish is lightly blowing gloss clear

Thank you for watching

Work by でぃぐ@digouter08

@digouter08 on Twitter