1/100 Slave Wraith GK full movable joints

IMBA’s 1/100 RX-79[G]SW Slave Wraith Full Garage Kit with movable joints: images, info

The RX-79[G]SW Slave Wraith is a mobile suit introduced in the video game Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link.

An enhanced, custom mobile suit based on the RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type, its name comes from the “Slave Wraith” unit to which it was deployed. Like the RX-79[G] Ez-8 Gundam Ez8,

1/100 RX-79[G]SW Slave Wraith Full Garage Kit

*Although it is a full garage kit, each joint is movable.

[November 14, 2023]
Finished product photo update
Backpacks must be purchased separately, see these pics for details.