HGUC Heavy Armed Banshee Custom: Photoreview No.13 Wallpaper Size Images, Info

HGUC Heavy Armed Banshee Custom:

Photoreview No.13 Wallpaper Size Images, Info

From the Modeler:

HGUC Banshee Destroy Mode Heavy Armed. Its not quite Full Armor, hence the name Heavy Armed.

Colors used are a mix between Plamo UK for the solid colors, Gaia Notes for the metallics and detailed up with Citadel/Vallejo acrylics. Got the decals off Samuel Decals. This kit is Part 1 of Project Unicorn, with its sister suit being the Unicorn itself with Banshee’s weapons.

HGUC Unicorn is one of my favourite kits (Would have to be, for me to want to build it 3 times!) and it really is a superb build. Banshee is no exception, as its pretty much the same thing.

I used the Hobby Base poseable hands on this guy so that it can dual wield the rifles, great set of hands but I won’t be buying them again as Bandai are going to release sets of hands, including left hand trigger fingers! Did encounter some problems in this build, namely with the purple being too dark, and now looks too close to black. Also, due to not being able to airbrush while im away from home, I had to airbrush this whole thing in just under 2 days, hence a little rough work. Also, can’t seal this thing with a topcoat coz of no AB now, so some parts might be damaged.

Work by appasionata (Pla-Zone Malaysia Modellers League)